Dale wrote:
> George Prowse wrote:
>> Ned Ludd wrote:
>>> On Fri, 2007-07-20 at 20:58 +0100, George Prowse wrote:
>>>> Do any devs subscribe to -project because no replies have yet to be
>>>> heard from developers...
>>> Please stop flooding my inbox.
>> It is an honest developer question because it was meant to have
>> discussions between developers there and if no developers subscribe
>> then what is the point of having it? You might as well just close it now
> I agree.  They complain about us coming here for their input but they
> won't come to where we are so we can get theirs. 
> I posted this on -project and I'm going to post it here.  This is my
> answer to people being rude and disrespectful to us users.  I'm making a
> list of the people that say things they shouldn't, just like a post here
> from kingtaco a day or so ago.  People on that list will NOT be voted in
> for anything by me and there may be others that will follow this list. 
> I'll make sure it is public and may even post the reason/post for the
> addition to the list.  So, if you want to continue acting the way some
> few are, that's fine, but I have in the past few days decided to grow a
> pair and will make sure every one knows my opinion.
> I feel it is time for a change with regard to a few people that give
> everybody else and Gentoo a bad PR.  This is my little contribution to
> Gentoo.
> Dale
> :-)  :-)
Thanks for the shout out.  You should know that because you continue to waste
megabytes of our bandwidth and countless man hours for everyone who reads you
dribble, you've now made my kill file.  This means I won't be voting for you in
all non existent votes that don't matter in the slightest.

Most importantly, thank you for showing why moderation of lists is important
and useful.

In case you're too clueless to understand my sarcasm, get this shit off the
list and somewhere appropriate.  /dev/null would be a good start.  When there
are topics devs are interested in on -project then they will join and
participate.  You complaining isn't something anyone other than yourself is
interested in.

Hugs and Kisses,

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