On Mon, Dec 24, 2007 at 11:00:44PM +0000, Roy Marples wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-12-24 at 21:39 +0000, Duncan wrote:
> > Apparently, at present, pretty much the only one with access 
> > is the one who actually did the port, and he's hasn't done much with it 
> > since.
> I beg to differ - I've down an awful lot with the code.
> It now installs and works cleanly on a vanilla FreeBSD.
> man pages have been written for every userland tool and library function
> it provides.
> Init scripts now support a "template" system, based on Free/Net BSDs RC.
> Lots of Gentoo reported bugs have been fixed.
> Infact, the last of the planned changes have now been comitted to my
> local repo and I'll be itching to make a release soon into the New Year.
> Granted I'm waiting on Gentoo Infra to host it (the git repo) because
> that is what we agreed. However I'm probably going to end up going with
> someone else, or hosting myself, because it's now coming up to 2 months
> and nothings ready yet. Heck, my retirement bug [1] is still pending and
> I currently have full access to all my accounts on various boxes. So
> either I'm a very trustable guy that you really don't want to retire
> (tough, I have) or some people are slacking.
> [1] http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=199318
We're getting there.

Infra moves a bit slowly at times, because it's not all we do.
On the retirement side, I was holding off doing them, to get a larger
batch, that had their 1 month of notice today, if you search for bugs
with 'infra-retire' in the whiteboard right now, you'll find them until
I've got them completed.

The CVS stuff should have been locked out already, not sure how you
tested that.

The Git stuff is coming very shortly (probably as a Christmas gift from
infra tmrw), I've spent the last week or so on it. (I think the upstream
gitosis author is going to kill me, but meh, it had to be done to make
it work for Gentoo).

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux Developer & Infra Guy
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