Richard Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted [EMAIL PROTECTED],
excerpted below, on  Sat, 19 Jan 2008 07:55:53 -0500:

> I think that this would probably warrant an elog.  Sure, anybody who
> knows the "correct" way to admin unix doesn't put anything important in
> /tmp - but educating our users before blowing away their data isn't a
> bad thing.  We shouldn't assume our users are idiots, but this is an
> obscure enough piece of admin knowledge that I think that users will be
> impacted by the change.

Obscure?  It's the directory name (says another with both /tmp and /var/
tmp on tmpfs).  How much less obscure can you get than announcing it 
every time the path is referenced or specified?  Who could reasonably 
argue that tmp doesn't mean tmp?

Never-the-less, an elog wouldn't hurt, and the implementation cost is 
pretty low as well, so I'd say just elog it.  That way, there's two 
warnings to point to instead of just one (the name of the dir), for the 
inevitable complaints.

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