On Thu, 2008-02-21 at 16:27 +1100, Andrew Cowie wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-02-20 at 19:42 -0600, Ryan Hill wrote:
> > But I agree, rekeywording amd64 to x86_64 would probably be more work than 
> > it's 
> > worth.
> Can we not just hardwire an alias into the emerge codebase?
> I must admit, from a purely optical standpoint, the idea of saying my
> system is "amd64" when it is nothing of the sort really grates. If,
> internally, it just translated "x86_64" to "amd64" wouldn't that be ok?

I really don't see the problem with AMD64, why it would be more wrong
than ia32 or x86 (based on Intel's product numbers!). AMD64 was invented
by AMD and they get to pick the name for it. The keyword amd64 in Gentoo
when Intel was still dismissing AMD64...

Olivier Crête
Gentoo Developer

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