Jeroen Roovers wrote:
> All in all I guess we need to make the rules up as we go and decide
> policy later. I suggest the first herd/address in the list should be
> the primary contact. If you don't agree with that, please consult
> metadata.xml for the package or reassign to bug-wranglers with an
> explanation (and perhaps a promise to quickly change metadata.xml. :)

We're using XML 1.0 and as far as I know (please correct me if I'm wrong)
does the specification not guarantee element order. And because of this I
don't understand why we're not introducing a new attribute (let's call
it "primary_maintainer") which can be set to "true" for the primary
herd/maintainer (and which is being interpreted as "false" if not present).
Then it's clear which address has to be put in Bugzilla's "Assigned To:"


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