On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 09:49:04 -0400
Richard Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 4) Putting EAPI inside the ebuild, but in a manner that does not
> require sourcing using bash (ie comment at top of file).
> + it solves 1)
> + it keeps pretty file names
> + syntax/implementation is trivial
> - it breaks backwards compatibility (eventually - hacks might delay
> this)
> - it does force future ebuilds to have the EAPI line in it

- it doubles the number of file reads necessary during resolution.
- it heavily restricts future syntax and meaning of EAPIs
- it makes comments have meaning

> Most software packages store version information internal to a file 
> format.  I'm actually not aware of many that put it in the filename.

Most software doesn't have to care about backwards / forwards

Ciaran McCreesh

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