On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 11:39:21AM +0200, Fernando J. Pereda wrote:
> On 12 Jun 2008, at 04:16, Brian Harring wrote:
> >
> >Why the exherbo/paludis/PMS folk decided to go this route to report,
> >I'm not quite sure aside from assuming they're just griefers.
> s-exherbo/paludis/PMS-pkgcore-g and:
> http://fpereda.wordpress.com/2008/05/03/on-cooperating-and-paludis-vulnerability/
> Except this one wasn't a lie.
> I wish there were more cooperation between all of us. But looks like  
> it is impossible with some of your people.

While patrick hosts meatoo for pythonhead, that doesn't mean patrick 
can speak for meatoo.

The same applies for pkgcore.

Basically, I don't hold paludis devs responsible for their users 
behaviour (probably should considering the behaviour, but regardless).  
I do however hold paludis devs responsible for their *own* behaviour- 
and in this particular case, it *was* said devs commiting the 

Deflection aside, dropping the issue- I've made my point that it was 
serious crap behaviour and hardly in the spirit of cooperation (let 
alone QA).

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