
I'm looking to find one or more people to help out with gentoo-sources-2.6 maintenance (our primary supported kernel). Right now, me and Mike Pagano do most of the kernel work. I disappear fairly often and it's always good to have more than 1 active person on the project.

I'm looking for someone with at least:
 - Interest in kernel stuff, or a desire to become interested
 - Time to put towards the tasks
 - Enthusiasm to ask lots of questions rather than let stuff
   sit around
 - Basic experience with bugzilla
 - Basic kernel experience (i.e. you can compile your own)

Having knowledge of kernel internals or experience with kernel hacking are NOT requirements because if you have time, interest and ask a lot of questions then these will come anyway. A lot of the work doesn't involve technical stuff, plus I was certainly very clueless about all this when I originally got involved a few years ago.

Being an existing Gentoo developer is not a requirement. Most of the work is done on bugzilla and via email. This may be a good opportunity to get involved with development and later become a Gentoo developer for those that are interested.

It's an enjoyable task, you get to interact with a lot of very intelligent people upstream and you end up learning a lot.

Email me ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) if you are interested!


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