Petteri Räty wrote:
> Let's try something new. I would like to get opinions from as many
> people as possible about GLEP 55 and alternatives listed here in order
> to get some idea what the general developer pool thinks. Everyone is
> only allowed to post a single reply to this thread in order to make it
> easy to read through. The existing thread should be used for actual
> discussion about the GLEP and the alternatives. This should be a useful
> experiment to see if we can control ourselves :)
> My notes so far:
> 1) Status quo
>   - does not allow changing inherit
>   - bash version in global scope
>   - global scope in general is quite locked down

> 3) EAPI in locked down place in the ebuild
>   - Allows changing global scope
>   - EAPI can't be changed in an existing ebuild so the PM can trust
>     the value in the cache
>   - Does not allow changing versioning rules unless version becomes a
>     normal metadata variable
>     * Needs more accesses to cache as now you don't have to load older
>       versions if the latest is not masked
>   a) <new extension>
>   b) new subdirectory like ebuilds/
>   - we could drop extension all together so don't have to argue about
>     it any more
>   - more directory reads to get the list of ebuilds in a repository
>   c) .ebuild in current directory
>   - needs one year wait

Leave EAPI inside the ebuild. That's where I want to find it.

Oh, and as others have mentioned, CVS sucks for file renaming and
versions. Yet another reason to leave it inside the ebuild.

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