On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 11:50 PM, Ciaran McCreesh
<ciaran.mccre...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 26 Feb 2009 18:07:32 +0000
> Ciaran McCreesh <ciaran.mccre...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> There's a less extreme variant on this that's slightly cleaner, and
>> with appropriate weaseling is also less messy. Simply add the
>> following very carefully worded additional requirement for future
>> EAPIs, and retroactively impose it upon current ones:
>> If EAPI is to be set, it must be set strictly before any global scope
>> command or package manager defined function is called. Once set, EAPI
>> must not be set to a different value.
> ...not quite weasely enough. Also needs:
> and before any package manager defined variables are used or package
> manager set shell behaviour is relied upon.

Is the following a stricter subset of your wording? --

"EAPI must be set in an ebuild as the first non-comment line, and
thereafter must not be set to a different value"

I'm asking because it would be simpler for users and devs to
understand, even if it is a subset.

~Nirbheek Chauhan

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