On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Christian Faulhammer <fa...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>  Having the EAPI stored outside the ebuild's scope is generally a bad
> idea, because someone has to tell you that the ebuild you just
> downloaded from Bugzilla is EAPI x.  And the package manager will be
> totally confused when assuming an EAPI that is wrong.  So the EAPI
> should be stored inside (best solution regarding giving ebuilds away)
> or in the file name (best compromise regarding the whole situation.

Most ebuilds in Bugzilla have a proper name. I suggest you to download
them with pybugz:
$ bugz attachment <ATTACHMENT-ID>
that will download it with the proper name.

Santiago M. Mola
Jabber ID: cooldw...@gmail.com

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