On Fri, 2009-03-13 at 19:09 +0100, Federico Ferri wrote:

> potential issues:
> this could become troublesome if there is a tcl extension installed,
> and is needed both for tcl 8.5 and tcl 8.6. it should be reinstalled
> after each 'eselect tcltk set ...'

We face similar issues with multiple versions of ruby. The solution we
currently use is to indicate in each ruby ebuild for which versions of
ruby it will work with the USE_RUBY="" variable (e.g. USE_RUBY="ruby18
ruby19") and then build and install the code for each ruby version that
is installed on the system. Both ruby versions use different load paths
so it is even possible to eselect one version of ruby as the default and
still use another ruby version to run specific applications.

Maybe this approach can work for tcl/tk as well?

Kind regards,


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