On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 11:42:28AM -0600, Aaron Lebahn wrote:
> Hello, I would like to apply as a student in the Google Summer of Code
> program. I would like to work on creating a simple method to install Gentoo
> on an EeePC. This will involve creating scripts and code that will
> preconfigure the Gentoo instalation to be optimized for the EeePC, and to
> contain all of the appropriate modules and configurations to enable all
> hardware on the EeePC.
In a similar strain, I'd suggest looking at the stage-builder SoC
proposal by solar. The EeePC would probably be just throwing a tarball
of configuration files over the top of it.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux Developer & Infra Guy
E-Mail     : robb...@gentoo.org
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