Alistair Bush wrote:
> Dale wrote:
>>> The Gentoo subforum on LQ would help to collect the posts in one place.
>> That would be the point.  Gentoo has its own forum so why have two
>> forums?  What would be the point in having two places to go look for
>> answers?  Better yet, why would Gentoo support both forums?
>> I'm a member at LQ tho I haven't been there in a long while.  I just
>> don't see why there has to be two forums when the one forum we have is
>> more than enough.  If someone can't find the Gentoo forums, I'm not sure
>> they can find the chair and keyboard either.  lol
> How about we ask for a subforum to be created with a BIG STICKY telling
> it is better to ask support questions at
> Could it be possible that users don't know about f.g.o?  ( find it
> highly unlikely actually)
> Alistair

I'm not 100% against this.  I do like your idea a lot tho.  I have two
things that concern me but may not make sense to anyone else.

1:  Anyone remember the GUI installer?  I didn't think there was enough
people back then to support that "monster" either.  I liked the idea but
thought Gentoo would be better served by letting the devs concentrate on
better things and most likely more important things.  I feel about the
same way about this.  In the past week or so, I have seen discussions
about packages not having maintainers and other things that needs
attention but lack time or man power.  While Gentoo has come a VERY long
way in even the past few months, I would hate to see it get bogged down
with another project.  If it gets more projects than it can handle, the
"death of Gentoo" talk will start again.  I been here long enough to see
that a few times.

2:  I sort of like having basically one place to go for help.  The place
I go is Gentoo.  That includes the Gentoo mailing list and the Gentoo
forums.  If LQ has a forum, who is next, justlinux, then someone else
etc etc etc?  Am I and a lot of other people going to have to search
half a dozen websites to find a fix?  What if the answer to my question
is on a website I am not familiar with or know about?  There would be a
lot of duplication of threads across several sites and fixes would be
harder to find.   I am a member at justlinux, LQ and several other sites
and I on occasion help people on other sites but I don't go looking for
Gentoo fixes there. 

I'm not a dev by any means and what I say may not count for anything and
could be ignored if needed.  I have been using Gentoo since the old 1.4
days, even that was old when I got the CD, so I would hate to see Gentoo
stall or stagnate again.  Number two really concerns me a lot.  The devs
can decide if they should support the idea as far as man power.  I don't
see a way around having to search different sites to find fixes tho.

That said, I know Jeremy at LQ from talks in the past.  I know the site
and it is a great site.  I am not questioning that at all. 

As for people knowing about Gentoo and the forums, go to google and type
in Gentoo.  First hit, Gentoo home page.  Even includes links to the
docs and other pages that are handy.



:-)  :-) 

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