On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 3:08 PM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Alistair Bush wrote:
>> Dale wrote:
>>>> The Gentoo subforum on LQ would help to collect the posts in one place.
>>> That would be the point.  Gentoo has its own forum so why have two
>>> forums?  What would be the point in having two places to go look for
>>> answers?  Better yet, why would Gentoo support both forums?
>>> I'm a member at LQ tho I haven't been there in a long while.  I just
>>> don't see why there has to be two forums when the one forum we have is
>>> more than enough.  If someone can't find the Gentoo forums, I'm not sure
>>> they can find the chair and keyboard either.  lol
>> How about we ask for a subforum to be created with a BIG STICKY telling
>> it is better to ask support questions at forums.gentoo.org
>> Could it be possible that users don't know about f.g.o?  ( find it
>> highly unlikely actually)
>> Alistair
> I'm not 100% against this.  I do like your idea a lot tho.  I have two
> things that concern me but may not make sense to anyone else.
> 1:  Anyone remember the GUI installer?  I didn't think there was enough
> people back then to support that "monster" either.  I liked the idea but
> thought Gentoo would be better served by letting the devs concentrate on
> better things and most likely more important things.  I feel about the
> same way about this.  In the past week or so, I have seen discussions
> about packages not having maintainers and other things that needs
> attention but lack time or man power.  While Gentoo has come a VERY long
> way in even the past few months, I would hate to see it get bogged down
> with another project.  If it gets more projects than it can handle, the
> "death of Gentoo" talk will start again.  I been here long enough to see
> that a few times.

The point that you are missing is that Jesús is already doing the same
stuff now as he will in the future. He just needs a project page to
make his "job" even easier and 'official' for LQ management.

> 2:  I sort of like having basically one place to go for help.  The place
> I go is Gentoo.  That includes the Gentoo mailing list and the Gentoo
> forums.  If LQ has a forum, who is next, justlinux, then someone else
> etc etc etc?  Am I and a lot of other people going to have to search
> half a dozen websites to find a fix?  What if the answer to my question
> is on a website I am not familiar with or know about?  There would be a
> lot of duplication of threads across several sites and fixes would be
> harder to find.   I am a member at justlinux, LQ and several other sites
> and I on occasion help people on other sites but I don't go looking for
> Gentoo fixes there.

Agreed, but people will do it anyway. We can't "shut down"
http://www.gentoo-quebec.org/forum/ for example.

> I'm not a dev by any means and what I say may not count for anything and
> could be ignored if needed.  I have been using Gentoo since the old 1.4
> days, even that was old when I got the CD, so I would hate to see Gentoo
> stall or stagnate again.  Number two really concerns me a lot.  The devs
> can decide if they should support the idea as far as man power.  I don't
> see a way around having to search different sites to find fixes tho.

I highly, highly doubt that the GSE project will cause any stagnation
of Gentoo Linux. Jesús is not an ebuild developer, so if anything his
efforts here will *help* Gentoo and could bring in more community
members. The more community members we have, the more ebuild
developers we might get, etc etc.

> That said, I know Jeremy at LQ from talks in the past.  I know the site
> and it is a great site.  I am not questioning that at all.
> As for people knowing about Gentoo and the forums, go to google and type
> in Gentoo.  First hit, Gentoo home page.  Even includes links to the
> docs and other pages that are handy.
> Thoughts?

I really don't understand your negativity showing in this thread. I'm
not trying to attack you or anything, so don't get the wrong

> Dale
> :-)  :-)

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