On Sunday 24 May 2009 22:43:52 Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

> > Here, this sums up what's wrong with most of your cockamamy ideas (as
> > attractive, and oh so right, as they may seem to you now):
> >
> > http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/taoup/html/ch01s07.html
> >
> > To paraphrase you: Go and read it and don't come back til you've
> > actually understood the concepts.
> Sorry, you don't get to post that kind of response until you start
> being right. In light of you being wrong (see above), please apologise
> and retract your remarks.


this mailinglist is not your personal playground. As you obviously can't even 
be bothered to reflect on other peoples statements without reflex-posting 
something unrelated I must ask you to stop spamming us. It's just not funny 

Okay, yes, Mr. Long was quite rude there (trying to fight fire with fire I 
guess). But in this case you're discussing rather subjective things again (how 
often is it the case that you don't have a cache?) that might not even be a 
problem. And, as you consistently don't read any arguments that might 
interfere with how you want reality to be, sometimes people use harsher 
language in the hope of making you read (and maybe even understand) their 

Now please stop playing the drama queen, stop spamming (yes, replying to every 
mail is spamming) and maybe we can return to a technical discussion, as this 
mailinglist was originally intended (or so I hope).

Thanks in advance,

your friendly neighborhood kitten.

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