Andrew Gaffney wrote:
> On 05/25/2009 07:44 PM, Keith Hinton wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm afraidd I'm not seeing   the size issues. Adding Speech to a
>> LiveCD should not effect the operations of the minimal installation
>> CDs that much.
>> However, one thing I would suggest is to please be aware of two things:
>> 1.
>> Make sure that some boot prompt exists for users to activate the
>> LiveCD speech output.
>> I.e.
>> Gentoo speech
>> That kind of thing.
>> 2.
>> Lynx and other browsers with Speakup usually need some configuration,
>> along with Irssi.
>> You can't just open Irssi right off the shelf and expect speech-access
>> to it.
> Why do you keep creating new threads just to interject your random
> opinion about some other existing thread? Have you ever participated in
> a mailing list? This isn't IM/IRC.

Let's try to be more polite please. I do agree that creating a new
thread wasn't warranted in this case but we can get the point across a
little better. People need to start with something and many times they
make mistakes.


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