Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto wrote:
> Petteri Räty wrote:
>> Ulrich Mueller wrote:
> ...
>>> A quick scan shows that the following eclasses were deprecated more
>>> than three years ago, and are used by no ebuild in the tree:
>>>    2002-05-25   inherit.eclass
>>>    2003-12-11   kde-i18n.eclass
>>>    2004-04-16   koffice-i18n.eclass
>>>    2005-09-18   jakarta-commons.eclass
>>>    2006-02-28   php.eclass
>>>    2006-02-28   php-2.eclass
>>> Do we want to remove any of these? Have I missed other candidates?
>>> Ulrich
>> I would say that we should remove eclasses at earliest two years from
>> now. The benefit from removing now is near zero and there's some people
>> lurking around that haven't updated in ages.
>> Regards,
>> Petteri
> Why Petteri?

Because no-one has explained me what is the big benefit here.


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