Alex Alexander wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 21:42, Zeerak Waseem <> wrote:
>> having to choose a profile, gives less time for the wavering user
> Why all the fuss? No-one said we're removing the plain "desktop"
> profile, we're simply adding *more* options.
> If you want generic DE options pre-enabled, choose the desktop profile.
> If you *know* you only need KDE as your DE, choose KDE,
> If you *know* you only need GNOME as your DE, choose GNOME,
> If you need both or can't decide, either choose Desktop and add the
> USE flags yourself or use both profiles together.
> Beats enabling default USE flags without asking you :)

+1.  This is adding options not taking away.  I like this idea since you
can still do it the old way with no problems at all.  Plus this will
make my USE line shorter.  It has to help a little at least.


:-)  :-) 

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