On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 11:14, Joshua Saddler <nightmo...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Aaaand none of my packages that are installed "want" to use it. That's what 
> I'm sayin'. Maybe if I ran ~arch they'd ask for Python 3.x, but I run stable, 
> so *nothing* wants to use it. Every other stable user is in the same 
> situation. You seem to be ignoring us, the stable users, in favor of rushing 
> 3.x out of ~arch, like that makes some kind of perceived problem go away.

I *am* a stable user, and I do want to install python3 (without having
to override keywords -- because my packager, the gentoo python team,
says it works!). I recognize the cruft problem, but I don't think
keeping things in unstable is the right solution for solving it,
because they should IMO be orthogonal.

> Yet that's the net effect -- everyone *will* have it installed. . . unless 
> folks start getting crafty with pseudo version ranges, as Zac mentioned.

I guess we'll have to do that then.



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