On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 08:31:32PM +1300, Alistair Bush wrote:
> > > ps.  I would like the packages to be specifically for gentoo,  but there
> > > are exceptions to this.  as an example openrc (and even paludis to a
> > > degree).  If you think that there is a package not specifically
> > > targetting gentoo that deserves a mention please make it clear why.
> > 
> > I'm a bit torn by this proposal; on the one hand, a shout out is nice-
> > from a career angle it certainly would've been useful for getting
> > some attention/exposure when I first was starting out.
> > 
> Not really my aim.  Im not planning on listing ppl,  just there work.  Might 
> not even put a url pointing to it.

Ok, that clarifies things a bit- I initially misinterpreted your
proposal as more then an external contributors list.

> Currently I am taking this from Mon, 29 March 19:42 NZ DST.   So pkgcore is 
> external,  and you are a community member so your in the list.   I don't want 
> to bring a whole pile of history into it.   Will pkgcore have its own gentoo 
> project,  or be considered as part of a gentoo project?  Im guessing not 
> anyway.

Honestly hadn't thought about pkgcore's status in reference to my 
regaining +w, so I'd assume it'll remain status quo- externally 

> ps. I must say that its a little sad that so far there has been much more 
> effort put into nitpicking than actually populating the list (working towards 
> the goal).  Which sums up gentoo pretty much.  So lets highlight this part a 
> little more

Note I'm generally overly specific, intent isn't to rip your proposal 
to tiny little shreds - I actually like the idea, it just didn't seem 
clear if the idea was to focus was on interesting packages and what 
they do (regardless of dev/non-dev origin) or if your intent was to 
focus on non-dev contributions.

I'm *personally* more interested in the former (I like reading about 
cool projects, regardless of who created it), but your intent seems 
more the latter, which is fair enough since you'll be the one doing 
the work.

additions to your list:
* porthole (Brian Dolbec)
* cfg-update (nfc who wrote it, but it was at least at one point a 
reasonably common alternative to etc-update)
* deltup: John J. Whitney, the infra. is maintained on 
gentooexperimental by blackace.  Notable mainly since it's the only 
working delta compression setup for distfiles.. still active last I 
knew, also.

Those   are just a couple of the portage ones I can think of at this 
hour- will update w/ more as I get time


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