On 04/05/2010 09:26 PM, Zeerak Mustafa Waseem wrote:

> The first option could be somewhat simple, we already have overlays
> so those could simply be used. The second option (which would be the
> best IMO) is a fair bit harder. The first thing that needs to be done
> is find out why people don't want to become developers. I've heard a
> few users mention the quiz, but it seems that the thing keeping most
> people away from becoming developers are all the flame wars that have
> occured, and the fact that it (to us users) seems like the council
> isn't doing much of anything about it. So while I believe that
> improving (and/or updating) the recruitment process is important, I
> think there would be more success if it seemed like a nice place to
> be a part of, and that bad behaviour is dealt with.

Developers are not required to be subscribed to any of the mailing lists
where the huge threads happen so if they want they can just ignore them
and go about maintaining their packages.


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