On Tuesday 25 of May 2010 20:31:33 Mike Frysinger wrote:
> internal functions should not be documented with the eclass doc comments
> (_check_build_dir)


> reusing a PM variable (ECONF_SOURCE) seems a little iffy

I know, initial idea was to use AUTOTOOLS_USE_DIR (analogy to CMAKE_USE_DIR), 
but then I discovered that I'd need to set ECONF_SOURCE anyway. So to avoid 
duplicating variables, I opted for ECONF_SOURCE reuse. If it's supposed to 
have internal meaning and is not part of public API, then I agree should not 
be used. I see it's explicitly mentioned in PMS though.
Waiting for further comments on that matter.

> the library handling is incorrect.  i dont think you can pass around
> --enable- shared all the time without having configure generate warnings
> about unknown options.

> default to --disable-static when static-libs
> doesnt exist is wrong -- that's the opposite of what you should be doing. 
> ignoring the same issue as the share option i mentioned above.

Right. It its safe to assume that when --disable-static/--enable-static is 
available, then --disable-shared/--enable-shared is available as well?

> pushd/popd should have stdout sent to /dev/null, not stderr too


> the src_install func has the static-libs checks in the incorrect order


> the src_test func looks like its copying & pasting stuff from the PM.  this
> really should be kept in the PM without duplicating it everywhere.

Unfortunately src_test needs to be called in build dir (which is unknown to 
Calling default_src_test is the best I could come up with.

But what's the most important - is there any interest in having such eclass? 
I'm only going to add it when it's flexible enough to effectively phase-out 
eutils/base/autotools/libtool individual uses for fully autotools-controlled 
buildsystems. Otherwise there's no point in yet another wrapper imho.

I was also thinking of integrating parts of src_prepare from virtuoso.eclass 
into autotools-utils.eclass - it provides basic support for package splitting 
of well formed (TM) and clean autotools build systems. (example packages are 
virtuoso-odbc and virtuoso-server).



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