On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 09:00:26AM +0000, Duncan wrote:
> Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto posted on Sat, 19 Jun 2010 03:20:08 +0000 as
> excerpted:
> > you're confusing talk and jokes between developers on a particular
> > private room with tone between members of the global community in public
> > mediums.
> It's possible that's the case.  However, it's also the case that with such 
> content, whatever consent there may have been between present parties 
> previously, as soon as one person present asks that it stop and it does 
> not, it's sexual harassment.  Evidently, one person present, regular or 
> not, asked that it stop, and it didn't, ergo...

I ask y'all to stop this unproductive line of discussion.

Via your logic, aparently regardless of the sanity of the request, it 
must be followed.

Bluntly, this logic, this conversation, and Sebastian sticking his 
nose into people joking with eachother in in #-infra is blown 
seriously out of proportion (for reference I was the one who stated 
"sorry, but _you're_ the one not finding it funny").  The PC level 
inplicit in this is farcical enough it belongs in a monty python 
sketch.  Hell, even the exherbo smackdown earlier on ciaran was out 
of proportion (his points were valid and civil, even if you don't 
agree with them).

Simply put, you gauge your tone dependant on your surroundings.  You 
don't go into a funeral chanting Carlin's 7 words you can't say 
on television, and you do not go into someone's home and tell them 
what they can/cannot say.

If you cannot understand this simple fact, then you're going to have 
many, many ackward social interactions with the rest of humanity.  

Why?  Because you're going around telling other people how *you* want 
them to act, instead of what is *communally* agreed to.

Tolerance cut's both ways.  The people making the noise on this thread 
seem to be missing the bidirectional nature however.

Finally, take the thread to -project... it's well past being even 
remotely technical.


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