On 07/05/10 03:03, Olivier CrĂȘte wrote:
> On Sun, 2010-07-04 at 18:15 -0400, Mike Frysinger wrote:
>> which is trivial to fix and anyone with commit privs could have done.  it 
>> certainly doesnt warrant a paniced "the sky is falling" message.
> I think this is a great occasion to dump our stupid custom crap and
> switch to SystemD, PolicyKit, NetworkManager, etc. 
Err what. So instead of using our well-known and rather robust crap you
want to use other people's more shiny untested crap?

I still haven't seen any compelling reason for systemd apart from a
fuzzy "it's faster" (which openrc already satisfies). Policykit is one
of those things that are a serious pain to get working (hello XML!) and
NetworkManager ... oh dear, you can't be serious. Debugging that beast
made me realize how bad things can get. Let's just say that I'd like to
switch upstream to state 9 for reason 6 a few times until they say
"Warning: Error successfully happened!" or something like that.

> Anyone with half a
> brain already dropped our stuff. And the lack of use of modern tools is
> the reason I don't use Gentoo on my work computer anymore.
"Modern tools" ? OpenRC is the fastest and most reliable init system
I've seen in quite some time. It even has the most awesome feature that
"stop" stops services! (Which some other distros still don't manage
Add human-readable config files and no silly dependencies to the list
and you have an awesome tool. No idea why you don't like having nice
features ...

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