On Friday 17 of September 2010 12:41:51 Angelo Arrifano wrote:
> Every single QA commit review coming into my Inbox during the past week
> was directed to arfrever. I *know* he is on probation, I *know* he made
> mistakes - in fact every one makes mistakes. But you guys are hammering
> all over him for picky stuff.
> Remind you that while it is a pleasure to be member of Gentoo, we are
> not your slaves; we chose to spend our free time contributing to Gentoo
> for several reasons - fun, knowledge and team work. Satisfying somebody
> else's flavors and wishes is certainly *not* one of them.
> I never had the chance to talk with arfrever, nor I ever looked to his
> work at Gentoo. But there is one thing I definitely got right, he has a
> lot of motivation to continue in Gentoo and *offer* his time and
> knowledge, otherwise he would just raise the middle finger and go away
> after all of this bashing.

The other important thing is such "lecturing" should probably take place in 
private, like gentoo-core.


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