Am 31.10.2010 09:28, schrieb Christopher Schwan:
> Hi,
> I followed this discussion quietly until now - I wonder why no one (?) has 
> mentioned the autotool-utils.eclass which is dedicated for this purpose (la-
> file removal, static-libs USE-flag, etc), I think. This eclass also provides 
> a 
> function "remove_libtool_files" which does what "delete_libtool_archives" 
> would 
> do, but it also checks for situation where the files would be needed.
> On Sunday 31 October 2010 05:28:42 Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto wrote:
>> Hi.
>> As outlined in the global email about this issue, this email is to start
>> a thread about the eutils function. Please reply to this thread if you
>> have any comments about this point.
>> 1. Add a function to eutils to deal with the removal of the .la files.
>> delete_libtool_archives() { find "${@:$D}" -name '*.la' -delete }
>> That function was suggested by Diego, but Arfrever has argued that we
>> should replace : with - as '"${@:$D}" expands to a subarray containing
>> elements starting with element with index $D (where element 0 is $0)'.
>> The point in having this function in eutils is to ensure we use a
>> consistent way to address the .la files. This will also make it much
>> easier to adapt or review this function if needed.
> Cheers,
> Christopher

Please dont top post, it makes it harder to read threads.

That suggested line will remove all .la files blindly, but there are 2 types of 
.la files:
-those, which are only used for linking/static files
-those, which are used at runtime, e.g. for plugins

The line should exclude those .la files, which contain "shouldnotlinkto=yes" or 
directly use the
autotools-utils eclass as suggested, since it already contains this 
functionality together with a
nice USE flag (static-libs) for it.

Thomas Sachau

Gentoo Linux Developer

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