On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 11:24 AM, Zac Medico <zmed...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> On 01/27/2011 09:05 AM, Matthew Summers wrote:
> > Now, as to whether to include the value ESVN_PASSWORD in the ebuild, I
> would
> > not do that. Personally, I would setup svn+ssh and use an ssh key to
> access
> > the repo. I do this with git using the git eclass. I am prompted for a
> > password/key by portage in this case. To automate this using an ssh key,
> you
> > can just use a passwordless key or setup ssh-agent. Also note, the key
> will
> > be sought out first in /root/.ssh (I think it looks there first anyway).
> In this case, you could potentially have a problem if you have
> FEATURES=userpriv enabled, since that would cause src_unpack to execute
> as the "portage" user.
> > Regarding your final question, I think that portage will ask you to enter
> > the password if it tries to access something over HTTPS requiring
> > authentication, but I am not 100% certain at the moment.
> In this case, depending on the FETCHCOMMAND behavior, you could have a
> problem with FEATURES=parallel-fetch since it launches fetches in the
> background. So, if background fetch doesn't fail gracefully, you might
> want to set FEATURES="-parallel-fetch" in /etc/make.conf.
> Also, you could set PROPERTIES=interactive in the ebuild, in order
> ensure that the fetcher is executed in the foreground.
> --
> Thanks
> Zac
These are excellent points Zac, thank you for illuminating this

One question though. Since the 'portage' user has its $home set by default
to /var/tmp/portage how would you recommend handling the ssh key situation
since that directory is somewhat special?

Matthew W. Summers

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