On Fri, Jul 01, 2011 at 09:08:53AM -0500, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> On 11:26 Fri 01 Jul     , Nirbheek Chauhan wrote:
> > Except for the fact that while you upgrade, you still have a usable 
> > system. Reinstallation means a massive time-sink during which your 
> > machine is completely unusable. This is not an option for a lot of 
> > people.
> > 
> > If -user is regularly giving that kind of advice, I think you guys are 
> > making a huge mistake.
> > 
> > I'm not going to support this kind of max-6-month-upgrade life cycle 
> > for Gentoo. We're effectively driving our users away to distros like 
> > Ubuntu that allow you to upgrade every LTS release instead of 
> > constantly or every 6 months.
> In my experience, updates become massively difficult after about 6 
> months unless you have deep expertise in Gentoo. You run into blocker 
> after blocker after USE-flag problem after resolution failure and an 
> ongoing series of confusing messages with no apparent end in sight. We 
> may call it supported (and technically, we're right) but it isn't 
> realistically possible for most users.

Right. I can't tell you how many times I've seen on -user where someone
comes back after not upgrading for longer than 6 months and finds
themselves in a very tricky situation.

Since we have a council decision that says the migration path has to
exist for a year, that's what I'll follow. However, if someone waits a
year to upgrade a gentoo system, things will have changed so much that
the upgrade process will be challenging for them to say the least,
unless they know gentoo very well.


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