On 09/11/2011 12:50, William Hubbs wrote:

> Here is what I've found in fhs [2].
> - /lib should always exist on all architectures.
> - /lib64 should only exist on amd64, ppc64, sparc64 and s390x. It
>       should hold 64 bit libraries, and /lib should hold 32 bit (or 31 bit
>       on s390x) libraries.
> - /lib should hold 64 bit libraries on ia64.
> - FHS mentions /lib32 but doesn't really define what goes in it, and with
>   the definition of when /lib64 is to be used, there doesn't seem to be a
>   need for /lib32.
> - Also, it seems questionable that /lib is a symlink to /lib64 on
>   non-multilib systems. I think we should still have separate /lib and
>   /lib64 directories.

MIPS clarification:
  o32 ABI (32bit) -> /lib
  n32 ABI (32bit w/ full access to 64bit address space/registers) -> /lib32
  n64 ABI (64bit) -> /lib64

In a full-on MIPS multilib, you can have all three folders present and
filled with their respective ABI libs/binaries.  One ABI will dominate the
system, though.  Right now, that's still o32, but not for much longer.  n32
will become the defacto soon, and o32 will be built only if needed (i.e. a
program exhibits issues in n32 until upstream can fix).  n64 is also an
as-needed basis, typically where a program derives a benefit from being true
64bit versus one of the other two.

Joshua Kinard
4096R/D25D95E3 2011-03-28

"The past tempts us, the present confuses us, the future frightens us.  And
our lives slip away, moment by moment, lost in that vast, terrible in-between."

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