On Sat, 5 May 2012, hasufell wrote:

# grep ^USE /usr/portage/profiles/releases/make.defaults
USE="acl cups gdbm gpm nptl nptlonly sysfs unicode"

This is used by "/usr/portage/profiles/default/linux/amd64/10.0" for
example, so I have "cups" in default NON-DESKTOP profile like it was a
mandatory useflag.

When you are at it: Why is USE=gdbm there?

Even desktops run fine without sys-libs/gdbm nowadays; even sys-libs/db
is only needed on desktops if you use libreoffice (in contrast to e.g.
openoffice-bin where it is bundled, fortunately).

Maybe this was different when e.g. some applications (netscape?)
could use gdbm instead of berkeley's db, but nowadays, when many
applications (e.g. firefox) have switched to sqlite, it seeems
that gdbm is outdated.

I have USE="-cups -gdbm ..." in make.conf on KDE desktop machines
since ages and no problems with it.

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