On 05/06/2012 04:58 AM, Ben wrote:
On 6 May 2012 04:45, hasufell<hasuf...@gentoo.org>  wrote:
# grep ^USE /usr/portage/profiles/releases/make.defaults
USE="acl cups gdbm gpm nptl nptlonly sysfs unicode"

This is used by "/usr/portage/profiles/default/linux/amd64/10.0" for
example, so I have "cups" in default NON-DESKTOP profile like it was a
mandatory useflag.

Is it? I don't even have a printer and expect that profile to be the
very minimum.

This would rather be a useflag for targets/desktop/make.defaults imo.

I see a similar discussion has happened 2 years ago, but I don't see a
solution there.

I would argue (and I did 2 years ago) that it doesn't belong even in
the desktop profile. I'm certainly not the only desktop user who
hasn't had a printer in years.

Ben | yngwin

+1 for getting rid of it everywhere in profiles, it's one of those steps you do during installation as first thing, set USE="-cups" (when you realize GTK+ pulling it in for printing widgets/dialogs)

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