On Sun, May 6, 2012 at 5:37 AM, Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> I don't think even heavyweight DE/WM usually needs ldap...

Tend to agree.  I don't think we want to create a new profile every
time we want to change one of the flags.

Some other questionable ones:
emboss - Adds support for the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite
firefox - probably OK for what it does now, but not everybody uses it
xulrunner - not even used now

There will always be some level of variation if you are looking at
single flags.  What matters isn't coming up with profiles that exactly
match all of our users, but rather ones that are good for 80+% of

As far as ldap goes, if we wanted an "enterprise desktop" profile that
might be a good fit for such a configuration.  I agree that -ldap
isn't really a lightweight desktop so much as a normal one.  If you
really wanted "lightweight" then you'd probably not be running desktop
at all, or the regular desktop vs kde/gnome.

The bottom line is that we don't need 47 different profile targets -
there will always be a "use" for 1 more.  That's why we all run Gentoo
- we aren't bound by the decisions made for us by the package


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