This package historically belongs to the gnustep herd, but ffcall support in gnustep has been deprecated for some time now in favor of libffi (in fact the
USE-flag may go away soon)

Also, I do not have the time to work on it, although it requires a bit of work:
* switch to "new" upstream (recommending to grab CVS tarballs) at
* a bunch of opened issues (parallel make/install, ldflags, execstacks, ...):

So if you are interested, please add yourself to metadata.xml (and remove gnustep herd) and start bug sqashing. As a bonus, you will still have a backup
herd (common-lisp), thoug a real maintainer would be great

Reverse RDEPEND for dev-libs/ffcall:
   dev-lisp/clisp-2.47-r1 dev-lisp/clisp-2.48-r1 dev-lisp/clisp-2.48-r2

Bernard Cafarelli (Voyageur)
Gentoo developer (NX, GNUstep, net-misc, llvm/clang, ...)

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