Le 12/07/2012 16:12, Samuli Suominen a écrit :
On 07/11/2012 04:36 PM, Bernard Cafarelli wrote:
This package historically belongs to the gnustep herd, but ffcall
support in
gnustep has been deprecated for some time now in favor of libffi (in
fact the
USE-flag may go away soon)

Also, I do not have the time to work on it, although it requires a bit
of work:
* switch to "new" upstream (recommending to grab CVS tarballs) at
* a bunch of opened issues (parallel make/install, ldflags, execstacks,

So if you are interested, please add yourself to metadata.xml (and remove gnustep herd) and start bug sqashing. As a bonus, you will still have a
herd (common-lisp), thoug a real maintainer would be great

Reverse RDEPEND for dev-libs/ffcall:
dev-lisp/clisp-2.47-r1 dev-lisp/clisp-2.48-r1 dev-lisp/clisp-2.48-r2

libffi should be a full replacement and more widely adapted variant.
isn't it time to let this simply fade away (lastrite)?

Well, after checking gforth, it looks like it supports both, through automagic
dependencies in configure, so it is fixable. But clisp still has a hard
depend on ffcall, and no support for libffi

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