On 08/16/2012 08:26 PM, Michael Mol wrote:
> Ideally, you'd want as narrow a bootstrapping channel as possible.
> Assuming things start off statically linked, what's the sequence for
> going from an empty chroot to stage 1, 2, 3...? What are the starting
> conditions?

We use sys-apps/catalyst, which builds stage1 in a new $ROOT by simply
extracting a seed stage3 and calling $PORTDIR/scripts/booststrap.sh. The
stage1 is pretty minimal, but it's enough to generate a new stage3 by
simply calling emerge -e @system (you can skip stage2 step entirely).
The stage2 step is just used to rebuild some essential packages for a
more specialized CHOST, so it's only needed when your stage1 has a
generic CHOST and you want to build a stage3 with a more specialized CHOST.

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