Am 2012-09-13 22:11, schrieb Rich Freeman:
On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 3:57 PM, Pacho Ramos <> wrote:
El jue, 13-09-2012 a las 15:48 +0200, Alex Legler escribió:
Sorta OT but a general thing: I think you should CC teams you want to talk to and not only use the gentoo-systemd-flamewars^W^W-dev mailing
list where these teams might only find your post by chance.

I thought all developers were subscribed to gentoo-dev and would read
it :|

No. -dev is not mandatory and several people are explicitly not subscribed, others don't read it regularly. Given the low SNR this list currently has,
that's not really a surprise.

Maybe, maybe not, but this seems like the appropriate place to discuss it. Maybe -project instead. However, I don't think you need to CC 14
teams on an email just in case they don't read -dev.  Debate it on
-dev, and then announce the outcome on -announce if it is important

Don't be silly. This is not about 14 teams, it pertains mainly one team.
CCing one alias is not too much to ask for, given people CC aliases all
the time even for simpler things than this.
Also, I'd like to be asked before *you* change things in *my* team's
policy. (Think someone touching others' ebuilds, all hell would break loose)
So: Discuss with the team (on -dev *if* they read it), then announce
on -dev-announce.
We read it fairly soon this time, but please don't expect everyone is actively
filtering the traffic on this list for things that pertain to them.
There are team aliases for a reason.


Alex Legler <>
Gentoo Security/Ruby/Infrastructure

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