On 01-10-2012 17:17:40 +0200, Marien Zwart wrote:
> There used to be a more subtle problem: the python objects you import
> have the path to their source embedded into them, and if you move the
> .pyc/.pyo file around that path would be wrong, confusing some (mostly
> debugging) tools (see http://bugs.python.org/issue1180193 ). This was
> fixed fairly recently (in python 3, python 2.7 and python 2.6.2), so
> it is probably no longer worth worrying about, but it's probably one
> reason these files were handled this way in the past.

This most likely is the reason why my tests with Python 2.7 worked fine
when I tinkered with the .pyc and/or moved it around.


Fabian Groffen
Gentoo on a different level

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