On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 4:35 PM, Diego Elio Pettenò
<flamee...@flameeyes.eu> wrote:
> And I suggest we stop here. We have a different mailing list for this
> and it's getting tiring.

Ok, looking at the archives as far as I can tell nobody is really
monitoring that list (a post requesting a status update went
unanswered sep 9th).

So, rather than continuing to post here which seems to be annoying
people, I'll just issue a call to anybody who cares to move discussion
over to gentoo-scm.

That said, I plan to mark any blockers to the migration as resolved
where I don't see any remaining concerns unless somebody comments on
-scm or on the relevant bugs that this isn't a good idea.

I don't think we can keep the discussion off -dev forever though.  It
seems like we're close to being able to implement, which means lots of
changes that impact all devs.  I can't imagine that we'd want to
implement that without some kind of council vote.  Perhaps the
appropriate approach is to propose a GLEP?


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