On 19/11/2012 09:02, Greg KH wrote:
> I'm curious as to why this is?  Didn't you learn about this in school
> (if you went to school for software development), or from any company
> you have worked for?  At numerous companies I have worked for, it was
> part of the "introduction to company FOO, here's your legal training on
> what to do and not to do with regards to open source."  _ANY_ company
> dealing with Linux should have this type of thing in place, otherwise,
> as I have found out first hand, it can get you in big trouble.

I can only speak for my personal experience, but that hasn't been the case.

Even though I didn't continue with my university in Italy, I don't
remember any copyright law course at least when I was supposed to be
there. And even though in high school I was studying as a programmer, we
only had very basic "law" classes in the first two years (common to
non-programmers) and none in the final three.

As for companies I worked for — no, not really. Actually at least at one
of them I was the one introducing them to the complexity of license
handling (with a final "you better call a lawyer up" note, for obvious

So no, I'd venture to say that it's not as common as you seem to expect,
which yes, is appalling.

Diego Elio Pettenò — Flameeyes
flamee...@flameeyes.eu — http://blog.flameeyes.eu/

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