On 29/11/12 14:16, hasufell wrote:
> again, even if there are corner cases which cannot be dealt with in a
> different way...
> having an eclass function like the mentioned one is bad, cause it
> suggests that this is a way to fix things. It's not. Application
> developers running gentoo might think "oh great, there is a pkgconfig
> file for this, so I can use it in my Makefile". Then a Fedora packager
> comes across this package and realizes a compile failure until he
> notices the build system is calling for a pkgconfig file that cannot be
> found anywhere. So he contacts this developer and asks which distro he
> is using.

Standard autotools based packages always use


so it is pretty simple for us to make it to

--with-blas="$(pkg-config --libs blas)"

same thing goes for cmake and

-DBLAS_LIBRARIES="$(pkg-config --libs blas)"

This game has been played since ever, because blas/lapack are bundled in
more then 80% of the packages using it. So we are used to patch them to
use system libs. So why not making our lives easier by having a
pkg-config option?


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