On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 12:02 PM, Jeroen Roovers <j...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> A lot clearer than a single text field littered with keywords would be some
> tick boxes, indeed. In fact, it makes me wonder why we use a half-obscured 
> list
> in a select field for adding/removing arch teams now.

Agree - mostly legacy (perhaps due to previous limitations in bugzilla?).

Non-arch-specific tested/stable keywords are useless IMHO.  Their main
purpose is for bug filtering.  The concept is that you have a large
team of arch testers who can do the testing, and a smaller team of
devs with commit access who search for bugs with the appropriate marks
and do the commit/close (often with little testing of their own).

When only amd64 was doing it the single keyword worked fine.

Do we have enough ATs around that this is even worth having any
longer?  I know that whenever I run my keyworded-but-still-amd64-cc
query it is pretty rare for stuff to come up.  Years ago that was the
arch team bread-and-butter.


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