On 17/01/2013 15:33, Ben de Groot wrote:
> But is there any reason other than "assumption" to stick to foo-bar
> category names?

Well I for one have used this before when I wanted to get informative
build logs: virtual/ packages have no build logs whatsoever so I don't
care to grep for them. It might be incidental but I don't see a
compelling reason to break free of it.

> One alternative we did come up with is qt-framework, since that is
> what upstream also uses (though mostly it's plain Qt), since it's a
> collection of libraries and applications.

How many packages are we talking about? Especially if you don't want qwt
to join there, I assume we're way below 50? If so I would vote nay to
any new category at all, to be honest.

Diego Elio Pettenò — Flameeyes
flamee...@flameeyes.eu — http://blog.flameeyes.eu/

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