On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 10:32:13PM -0800, Alec Warner wrote:
> I agree that a smartcard is much better security vs a longer key. I
> don't think attackers targetting Gentoo are going to brute force the
> key. They are going to steal the key, trivially, by exploiting a 0-day
> in a crappy browser, or flash, or java, or whatever. A smartcard is
> the defense against this attack (because the key material is well
> protected, and they need physical access to actually relocate it.)
> Storing it in the TPM would also be cool, except TPMs are crap on
> Linux, *and* most hardware TPMs are crap anyway.
Exactly. The longer key doesn't block this attack, the smartcard does.

The question being asked becomes:
"If the smartcard only supports a shorter key is that an acceptable
tradeoff where a longer key would be used instead?"

I say it's a very acceptable tradeoff, and the require/recommend of the
proposal reflects this.

> > Also, if there is a Well-Funded-Organization attacking Gentoo, there are
> > MUCH more effective ways for them to compromise us. Any perceived gains
> > in that field from requiring DSA2048 and blocking DSA1024 should be
> > examined very closely.
> I would ask the opposite question. What is the perceived difficulty in
> using DSA2048 vs 1024? For the non-smartcard users, the cost is likely
> trivial. Even your perf data shows that signing requests still
> complete in 200ms or less, and that is on old / slow hardware.
This is why I recommended DSA2048, but only required DSA1024.
I don't want something that says 
"If you use a smartcard, you can use DSA1024, otherwise you must use
That's just too confusing.

> djm works for Google, and I chat with him at least once a quarter.
> I've seen some patches go by that we could re-purpose for gpg-agent
> forwarding. For slow machines we could have them sign on a
> faster-trusted machine with a forwarded agent.
Major +1 on gpg-agent forwarding request; the smartcard crowd would love
it too.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux: Developer, Trustee & Infrastructure Lead
E-Mail     : robb...@gentoo.org
GnuPG FP   : 11ACBA4F 4778E3F6 E4EDF38E B27B944E 34884E85

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