>>>>> On Sun, 12 May 2013, Markos Chandras wrote:

>> Earlier you said: "Just to clarify, i never said I wanted to 
>> deprecated the git.overlays.gentoo.org repo."

>> Have I missed something? Last time I looked, github's server
>> software wasn't open source. Why should we use non-free tools for a
>> central piece of Gentoo documentation?

> The repository is still accessible in http://git.overlays.gentoo.org
> and read-only access is still available.

In what way is removing write access different from deprecating the

> However, the write access removed because of potential conflicts
> between g.o.g.o and github. If you can guarantee me that people will
> not mess things up and not commit only to one of the to remotes,
> then we can enable write access again.

I for my part won't push anything to a devmanual repo hosted at
github. As this presumably means that I won't be able to contribute
any more, I've now removed myself from the devmanual mail alias.


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