On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 11:54 AM, Markos Chandras <hwoar...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> This is the kind of policies that kill user contributions. I am very
> sad to witness this once again.

I have mixed feelings for this very reason.  The concept of accepting
contributions on github is an EXCELLENT one.  The problem is that it
is proprietary, which creates division, and could potentially create
problems down the road (no way to know - the sorts of things that can
happen anytime you depend on proprietary software).

> I will take care of the github mirroring myself. For those who will
> merge pull requests on github, please take extra care to resolve the
> merges properly.

So, first, THANK YOU!

Second, I think this really points to there being value for something
like Gerrit available on Gentoo, which might be the best of both
worlds.  I've never used it myself but I'm tempted to install it just
to start messing with it personally.  I'd be interested in whether
anybody is familiar with it and doesn't feel that it is an appropriate
tool for us to use.  If the consensus is overwhelmingly positive then
it would be great to have it deployed on Gentoo infra.  And yes, I
realize that this is easy to type, but hard work to implement.  I see
dual-workflows like Github as an interim solution.  Personally, I'm
not entirely opposed to even a Github-only solution as an interim if
we were actively working on something FOSS-based, however I realize
that not all might agree on that.


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