Am Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2013, 01:43:15 schrieb Thomas Sachau:
> Who said, that bugmail is ignored? Repeating myself, it may be
> accidently deleted by the dev or some software (hint: spam filters), it
> may actually even be ignored to re-use the bug later. Since i dont
> remember even seing a hint for the "will stable in 30 days without
> objection", the arch addition is even more a bad surprise for a maintainer.

Yep. Sounds like this is another case of "maintainer does not read -dev ml, 
pops up half a year after policies become active, and starts complaining".

Come on, I also have a hard time with this list. However, I'm at least 
skimming the thread titles. (And for stuff like "OMG systemd killed my 
kittens" my mail client has a nice "ignore thread" feature.) 


Andreas K. Huettel
Gentoo Linux developer

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