On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 11:02 PM,  <gro...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Sorry for following up myself,
> On Fri, 17 Jan 2014, gro...@gentoo.org wrote:
>> OK, let's be conservative. Python and Perl scripts may break on some
>> arches (I'd say it's a rare exception, perhaps 1%, but still). But what
>> about
>> dev-java/java-sdk-docs
>> dev-db/postgresql-docs
>> sys-kernel/linux-docs
>> dev-dotnet/gtk-sharp-docs
>> app-xemacs/general-docs
>> dev-util/kdevelop-php-docs
>> dev-util/gnome-devel-docs
>> app-vim/phpdocs
>> gnome-extra/gnome-user-docs
>> gnome-extra/gnome-getting-started-docs
>> dev-php/smarty-docs
>> dev-python/python-docs
>> dev-python/cheetah-docs
>> app-doc/php-docs
>> app-doc/root-docs
>> app-doc/geant-docs
>> app-doc/blas-docs
>> app-doc/lapack-docs
>> app-doc/gnucash-docs
>> app-office/abiword-docs
>> dev-lisp/hyperspec
>> sys-apps/man-pages[-*]
>> and maybe others? They contain no scripts which can possibly break. I'd
>> say they should be keyworded on all arches as soon as they are keyworded on
>> the first arch; the same goes for stabilization. I'd include also packages
>> containing only TeX/LaTeX code - TeX behaves identically on all arches, this
>> was and is its main strength. Also, probably, python/perl/ruby interpreted
>> scripts *which don't load extra libraries* work identically on all arches
>> not in 99% of cases but in 99.99% (0.01% is for cases when the interpreter
>> is broken on a given arch).
> Maybe, a good solution is to introduce a special arch, "noarch", for such
> packages (similar to what's done in the rpm world). Then, if a package is
> ~noarch, it is automatically considered ~arch for all arches. Similar for
> stable. The maintainer should be able to keyword ~noarch and to stabilize
> noarch. Comments?
> Andrey

There's been opposition to this in the past, but I'm in favor of
giving this a shot.

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