On Wed, 2014-02-05 at 13:58 +0100, Tom Wijsman wrote:
> Can we do something about our growing queue when fixing is insufficient?
> https://bugs.gentoo.org/chart.cgi?category=-All-&datefrom=&dateto=&label0=All%20Open&line0=320&name=320&subcategory=-All-&action=wrap
> PS: As a bonus, here's a nice view of our stabilization queue over time:
> https://bugs.gentoo.org/chart.cgi?category=Gentoo+Linux&subcategory=Keywording+and+Stabilization&name=639&label0=All+Open&line0=639&datefrom=&dateto=&action-wrap=Chart+This+List
> Notice how the graph goes down near the dates the threads were made;
> although, if you would draw an average it would appear to be growing.
There is far more to stabilizing than just closing the bugs.

I've been working for over 2 months now on the GNOME stabilization on
ARM.  There has been a lot involved, including (but not limited to)
rebuilding kernels for proper systemd integration, setting up systemd so
that software would build (empathy won't build if systemd has no locale
set (lol!) so much for systemd properly importing my settings from
openrc) - building the software itself.  Realizing that some things were
built against the GPU opengl implementation instead of mesa's
implementation, having to rebuild that software, and all it's
dependencies. Then the process of actually attempting to get it to run,
tracking down the junk in the logs - figuring out which messages can be
ignored, which ones are actual errors (why exactly is it throwing an
error message if that message can be ignored?)

This is on multiple machines, because I'd like to cover softfp and
hardfp.  This takes time.  Even if I were to build everything on my
octa-core ARM server and just use the binpkgs, it still takes quite a
bit of time to get through everything.  And this is JUST for the default

So you know what?  I'm sick of hearing about "slow arches" - there's a
LOT of shit that we have to do to make sure things ACTUALLY WORK, and
based on your emails, you either have NO IDEA what all is involved in
alternate arch work, or you're purposely being obtuse about it.

Now, we COULD do like Ubuntu, and just say if it builds, it's stable.
But I personally am against that, maybe that's okay with you. We used
Ubuntu on ARM devices at my last job - I'm intimately familiar with
their practices.  We do not want to replicate that here in Gentoo land,
or at least, I don't, not on ARM.  Feel free to look at all the GL based
apps that they have available on armel - and test how many of them
actually run on the hardware.  I'll wait for you to finish going through
them all...  

Save the charts for upper management, they are the only ones who care
what the pretty graphs look like instead of knowing the full details.

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