Fellow developers,

I would like you to answer three questions, without looking at some

a. what does dohtml do, exactly?

b. what are the default file suffixes installed by dohtml?

c. what are the options accepted by dohtml? what do they do?

I doubt that most of the developers can answer those questions. Long
story short, dohtml is a terribly overcomplex, confusing function that
shouldn't really live in its current form.

Bug #520546 gives some insight and numbers on the issues with dohtml
and the scope of it. Most importantly:

1. Many ebuilds use it as some kind of 'docinto html; dodoc -r ...'
without even knowing that it does filtering by suffix. Some ebuilds
fail to install some of the files because of that...

2. The default suffix list will never fit everyone. Most people don't
have an idea what's there, bugs asking to change it will keep
happening, and requests for even more features [2,3].

3. The number of options exceeds any other PM command. Some of them are
not used even once, some of them are used scarcely. Having so many
options only increases confusion and makes reading ebuilds harder.

4. By default, dohtml installs into $docdir/html. However, once docinto
is used, it installs to whatever directory was specified there (without
html subdir). One of the most confusing ideas ever invented.

5. dohtml has pretty powerful filtering. doins doesn't have any. This
is really upside-down that HTML documentation install command is more
powerful than generic file install command...

We've (me and ulm) have come up with the following ideas:

1. make HTML_DOCS in EAPI6 use plain 'docinto html; dodoc -r ...'
instead of dohtml,

2. possibly remove dohtml from EAPI6 completely,

3. ulm wants to reintroduce dohtml in an eclass for people who want to
use it. I'd rather cover it with warnings signs and tell people not to
touch it. IMHO a better replacement is the plain 'docinto html; dodoc
-r ...', possibly with some extra filtering applied before or after

What do you think?


Best regards,
Michał Górny

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